My favorite math YouTube channel, 3Brown1Blue, is created by Grant Sanderson and I think it is incredible. He presents any math topic he touches with a unique perspective and has beautiful visuals to communicate them. Below, I list my some of my favorites (though you should really just go check out his entire channel):

Fourier transforms

While getting my degree in electrical engineering, we lived and breathed Fourier transforms, eventually just doing them in our heads, but I never heard them explained as he presents the topic. Anyone interested in music or any signal system will find Fourier transforms reveal of what the music/signal is made.

Partial dimensions with fractals

Fractals are one of the coolest things in mathmatics and nature. From a very simple ‘rule’, complex behavior or patterns can emerge. How can we use them to represent rough or jagged objects from things that often are assocated with beautiful patterns?

More to come!